The bRaZZiN blog

Stuff that interests Brian Feary in easy-to-swallow Blog form.


A picture of bug on my screen...

on a picture of a bug on my screen, on a picture of a bug on my screen, inverted.

And no photoshoppery at all! (apart from the invert but that doesn't count). I could post the originals to prove it... but it's a bit late.

This is what happens when you're on your computer at 2:39am. Bugs attack your screen. SO I ATTACK THEM! WITH MY CAMERA! YES!


Have another picture

"Girl With Umbrella." I don't know why, but this one didn't win anything in the Trust Power Greymouth photography competition.

... But this one, entitled "Shelley", got third place. Which is quite an achievement really, given the crap quality of the negative scan.

Come to think of it, that's two pictures. And I said 'a' picture. Well.


A picture

That's Ashleigh. It's the result of me messing around in Photoshop with the goal of constructing an end-of-year photography portfolio, something of which Ashleigh has played a large part in. I rather like this photo actually.

Probably more to come.